Do you have an exciting skill to share with us? Want to chat about creating safe community spaces? Want to make sure we fit a good bike ride into the weekend? Propose a workshop! Don’t worry if you’re not an expert, we want to hear about everyone’s experience within the many configurations of community shops we’re coming from.
Advanced Ecommerce for Community Bike Groups
6 people are interested in this workshopSome community bike groups choose to sell bikes and parts online to support their other projects, but expanding their efforts' scale poses logistical problems. 2019 eBay Shine Awards Platinum Winner Elijah McCloskey has increased Madison Freewheel Bicycle Co's online sales from 5,000 USD a month to 45,000 USD, with all profits going toward Freewheel's donations, classes, and other charitable efforts. This advanced ecommerce class will teach you how to dramatically scale your existing online bicycle sales.
Comercio Electrónico Avanzado para Grupos Comunitarios de Bici
Algunos grupos comunitarios de bici eligen vender bicis y sus partes en línea para apoyar sus otros proyectos, pero expandir la escala de sus esfuerzos plantea problemas logísticos. Elijah McCloskey, ganador platino de los premios eBay Shine 2019, ha aumentado las ventas en línea de Madison Freewheel Bicycle Co de 5.000 USD a 45.000 USD cada mes, con todos las ganancias yendo a las donaciones, clases, y otros esfuerzos caritativos de Freewheel. Este clase avanzado de comercio electrónico va a enseñarle como escalar sus ventas de bici en línea existentes dramaticamente.
Arteries - guided visit in a living organism: Taller Suipacha
5 people are interested in this workshopArteries lead blood from the heart. Talk-Workshop: playful itinerary of objects, symbols and actions that shows realities, -inner and outer- worlds of Taller Popular de Ciclomecánica Suipacha. What is Suipacha? Suipacha is a battle, a tango, a street and also a community bike shop founded 6 years ago in Córdoba, Argentina. The workshop dynamic is a intriguing mix of TED talk, object theater, psychomagia and popular education. Let's sumberge!
Basics of Espresso Machine Repair and Maitenance
3 people are interested in this workshopLearn the basics of troubleshooting espresso machines. We will break down the commercial machine provided by Enclave Caracol and understand the various components relevant to the essentials of espresso.
**This is not your mother's drip coffee**
Free espresso shots for all participants!
Bicycle Activism in Las America + transnational solidarity
11 people are interested in this workshopBicycle Activism in Las Américas + transnational solidarity
50 Min.
Group Discussion Activity
Areli + Rachel + guests
What is the state of bike activism in different countries of Latino America?
What are the major barriers facing bike activism?
How are bikes viewed?
What can organizations in California learn from bike activism in Latin America?
What are tools for working on multilingual and multicultural projects?
How can transnational organizations can work in solidarity?
Can Bike-power and Solidarity aid the refugee crisis at the border?
What projects can we work on in solidarity?
Who is leading projects to support?
Bici-activismo en las Américas + solidaridad transnacional
Bicycle Activism in Latin America + transnational solidarity
50 min
Actividad de discusión en group
Areli + Rachel + guests
En cual estado está el bici-activismo en las diferentes naciones de las américas?
Cual es son los obstáculos que enfrenta el biciactivismo?
Qué pueden aprender las organizaciones Californianas del bici-activismo en latino américa?
En Cuáles formas incluyen proyectos y voices multilenguaje y multicultural?
Cómo podemos trabajar en solidaridad?
Cómo podemos apoyar a los refugios en la la frontera usando bici-solidaridad?
Quien está organizando proyectos/ayuda actualmente?
Que tipo de proyectos podemos aportar? tacticos
Bicycle Benefits: Increasing city-wide support for biking.
7 people are interested in this workshopBuilding area-wide support for biking is a priority of many community shops/projects. Increasing a shop's reach to all area bike riders and small businesses will enhance the area's bike culture and create a more diverse and community supported shop. Bicycle Benefits is an easy tool which increases ridership, connections and support for area bike riders. In addition, it will generate a regular revenue stream for your project.
Organized by passionate individuals, ambassadors and community shops, Bicycle Benefits is a collaborative effort that every shop can learn from or head up on a local level.
The program is an open sourced campaign that is supported by 2,700 locations in the US.
Bike Centers: A Case Study
9 people are interested in this workshopBike centers are a relatively new model for community bicycle groups in the United States. They offer any number of amenities and services, including bicycle storage, lockers, showers, restrooms, and self-service and professional bike repair. These make bicycling more attractive in the center's vicinity.
In 2017, Madison Freewheel Bicycle Co secured a contract from the city to run the new Madison Bicycle Center, which will open later this year. Learn more about Freewheel's goals for the project, the challenges it's faced, and the advice it has for bicycle organizations who want to run their own bike centers.
Centros de Bici: Un Caso de Estudio
Centros de bicicleta son un modelo relativamente nuevo para grupos comunitarios de bicicleta en los EE. UU. Ofrecen varios comodidades y servicios, como almacenamiento de bicis, taquillas, duchas, baños y reparación autoservicio y profesional de bicis. Hacen que andar en bici sea más atractivo cerca del centro.
En 2017, Madison Freewheel Bicycle Co consiguió un contrato desde la ciudad para administrar el nuevo Centro de Bicicleta de Madison, que se abrirá mas adelante este año. Aprenda más sobre las metas para el proyecto, los desafíos que Freewheel enfrentaba, y consejos para organizaciones de bici que quieren administrar sus propios centros.
Bike Podcast and more: Voice of the underrepresented
One person is interested in this workshop**************Spanish Translation Below*******************
We are in our beginner stages of creating space for the underrepresented in Toronto, and we are asking Bike!Bike! attendees to join us and help us!
The discussion we would like to have is centred around two projects, The first is an untitled podcast project, and the second is BikePOC. Both projects focus on how underrepresented groups/individuals are trying to find a sense of belonging and community in biking circles in here. During the discussion we’d like to foster an open dialogue with Bike!Bike! attendees about our collective experiences with finding community and belonging in the larger biking community, and to receive advice on how to better develop our podcast, as well as our POC oriented bike community.
An other reason we would love to share our projects is because these initiatives are also being lead by young womxn of colour in our communities, which is something we are proud of!
Please join us and share with us your ideas, suggestions and experiences!
Estamos en las primeras etapas de crear mas espacios para gente con menos representacion en Toronto, y queremos que los asistentes de Bic!Bici! se unan a nuestro projecto y nos ayuden!
La discussion estera enfocada en dos projectos, el primero es un Podcast cual tema es Ciclismo en Toronto, y el segundo es BIKEPOC que es un grupo de mujerxs ciclistas de color. Nos estamos enfoncando en grupos e individuos con falta de representacion, especificamente grupos que buscan acceptacion y communidad atravez del ciclismo. Durante nuestra discusion nos gustaria crear un dialogo abierto con los asistentes de Bici!Bici! acesca de nuetrxs experiencias buscando communidad y aceptacion en communidades ciclistas, y tambien para recibir mas consejos y apoyo con nuestro projecto del Podcast, y tambien nuestro grupo de Gente de Color en Bici.
Otra razon por la cual queremos compartir nuestrxs ideas es porque los dos projectos los estamos llevando acabo mujerxs jovenes de grupos con poca representacion, y para nosotrxs es un orgullo poder presentar nuestrxs ideas y recibir mas apoyo!
Porfis unete a nosotrxs y comparte tus ideas, sugerencias, y experiencias!
Platica: Jackie Diaz, Keiren Ln y Sabat Ismali
Cabildeo en pro de la bicicleta ¿cómo lograr avances?
18 people are interested in this workshopEl taller busca establecer rutas estratégicas para activistas y promotorxs de la bicicleta que quieran incidir en la política pública local al respecto, como cambios a reglamentos de tránsito, mejoras a infraestructura, reconocimiento de la problemática de violencia vial callejera, etc. Se darán directrices sobre cómo realizar acercamiento con autoridades, como crear alianzas. El taller partirá de una breve presentación de la experiencia del colectivo Ensenada Se Mueve y BCSicletos, y de allí se partirá realizando una breve presentación de los asistentes sobre sus inquietudes respecto a realizar incidencia en su comunidad.
Se presentarán algunas instancias locales que apoyan o pueden servir para construir redes de apoyo para activistas. Al final del taller las y los asistentes que participen podrían contar con sus líneas estratégicas para incidencia en políticas públicas locales en cuanto a movilidad no motirizada en su comunidad.
Calidad del aire y movilidad sostenible.
19 people are interested in this workshopPresentaremos resultados sobre le monitoreo ciudadano de calidad del aire que colectivo BCSicletos realizó en la ciudad de La Paz y Ensenada. COnsistirá en la presentación del dispositivo elaborado mediante hardware libre, y la problemática de calidad del aire asociada a movilidad urbana. Las oportunidades de la bicicleta en esta problemática. Se Darán tips para realizar tu propio monitoreo en tu comunidad asi como los pasos a seguir para validar la metodología. Útil para activistas urbanos que quieren hacer incidencia en políticas públicas o sensibilización a la comunidad en esta problemática. Se mostrará el dispositivo elaborado y sus componentes.
CMWC2020 "Cycle Messenger World Championship" Bogotá, Colombia 2020
2 people are interested in this workshopEnglish Below //
Es una realidad en continuo aprendizaje y evolución, lo que en un momento fue un sueño e inspiración. Hemos materializado con amor, unión, trabajo y esfuerzo, lo que nos identifica y define como seres humanos, como herman@s, como bici mensajeros. Queremos invitar a toda nuestra Familia Mundial, a que se una a este encuentro y celebración, a vivir nuestra cultura, nuestra hermandad, nuestros territorios, a poder brindar la mejor experiencia de nuestro país, hecha con Amor, Unión y Respeto para tod@s ustedes.
Será una oportunidad para entre todos ser UNO, con la intención de promover nuestros valores, nuestra realidad y todo lo que tenemos para ofrecer a nuestra Familia Internacional. Bogotá 2020 los espera Hermanas y Hermanos del Mundo.
It's a continuos reality in learning and evolution, Something that use to be a dream and inspiration. We have achieved with love, union, work and effort, what identifiques and defines us as human beings, as sisters & brothers, as a huge Family of bike messengers. We want to invite our entire Worldwide Family, to join this meeting and celebration, to live our culture, our brotherhood, our territories, to be able to shared with you the best experience of our country, made with Love, Union and Respect for all of you.
It will be an opportunity for all of us to be ONE, with the intention of promoting our values, our reality and everything we have to offer to our International Family. Bogotá 2020 awaits you Sisters and Brothers of the World.
Corporalidades en bicis y Territorio
11 people are interested in this workshopEspacio para nosotras para la conciencia del espacio público, privado y de nuestros cuerpos (como una herramienta) para la autodefensa.
Temas por abordar:
- El cuerpo como territorio
Las bicis como extensión de mi cuerpo:
- Velocidad
- Habilidad
- Orientación
- Espacio público:
- Las calles
- Ubicación
- Nuestros mapeos
- Resistencia en el espacio público como ciclistas, como mujeres
- Poniendo el cuerpo:
- Estrategias de sobrevivencia
- Visibilidad y ocupación del espacio público
- Acoso, violencia patriarcal
- Distancias, dificultades, etc.
cycling with ovarios: mesa de diálogo / roundtable discussion (spanglish)
2 people are interested in this workshopwelcome to our discussion. connect with badasses with ovaries who have traveled the world on two wheels, both alone and in groups. learn tips, tricks, tactics, and share experiences.
bienvenidos al diálogo. que vengan a vincular con gente con ovarios quien han viajado el mundo a rueda, en grupo y solx. vamos a compartir trucos, tácticos, recomendaciones, y experiéncias pedaleando.
Rachel Horn, Areli Morales, Jackie Diaz, Moira de Trapo, y más.
De lo austral o lo boreal: Experiencia en Chile del taller Pedal Autónomo
8 people are interested in this workshopEn esta actividad mostraremos el trabajo que realizamos en nuestro taller colaborativo Pedal Autónomo, ubicado en el Bíobio, Chile, basándonos en las barreras socioculturales y políticas que limitan el uso de la bicicleta que aspiramos promover.
Nos centraremos en establecer un paralelo entre las limitaciones y ventajas que identificamos en nuestro contexto y las existentes en norteamérica, discutiendo en conjunto las formas de abordarlas.
In this activity we will show the work done by our community bike proyect Pedal Autonomo, located in Bíobio, Chile. The discussion will be focused on the socio-cultural and political barriers against cycling on streets.
We will compare the limitations and advantages between our context and North America, discussing together the best ways to face them.
Documentación de historias de vida de ciclistas
4 people are interested in this workshopEl taller busca promover el ciclismo. El camino que se sigue, es el de la difusión de historias de vida de ciclistas. Esto, con la finalidad de que personas interesadas en el ciclismo puedan enterarse de las estrategias empleadas por personas que ya están dentro del mundo ciclista, a fin de hacer más dócil su entrada. Se hará especial énfasis en el caso de las personas ciclistas de más de 60 años de edad. La intención detrás de este énfasis, es obtener algunos de los consejos que estas personas puedan compartir, y que puedan servir a quienes habremos de envejecer en los próximos decenios. Metodológicamente, se retoman elementos de la investigación social cualitativa, aplicables al objetivo del taller.
Ecommerce as a Revenue Source for Bike Groups
5 people are interested in this workshopLearn how ecommerce can expand your group's reach, and promote solidarity over charity. Madison Freewheel Bicycle Co supports itself primarily via online sales of high-end bicycles and parts donated by friends of Freewheel. Staff and volunteers then sell these on Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist, and eBay to raise money for the organization, which has helped Freewheel provide classes, parts, and shop space to more than 6,000 people, for free. Presenter Elijah McCloskey explains why and how to use ecommerce to support your work and promote your ideals.
Comercio Electrónico como Fuente de Financiamiento para Organizaciones de Bici
Aprenda cómo comercio electrónico puede expandir el alcance de su grupo, y fomentar solidaridad en lugar de caridad. Madison Freewheel Bicycle Co apoya a su mismo primariamente por ventas en línea de bicis y sus partes de alta calidad, donados por amigxs de Freewheel. Luego, empleadxs y voluntarixs los venden en Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist e eBay para recaudar fondos para la organización, que ayudaron a Freewheel a proporcionar clases, partes y espacio de taller a más de 6.000 personas, gratis. Presentador Elijah McCloskey explica por qué y cómo usar el comercio electrónico para apoyar sus proyectos y promover sus ideales.
Embracing technology
24 people are interested in this workshopSopo continues to grow and trying to embrace technology. It's a slow learning curve but telling people about our experiences, both positive and negative, and the tools we used will help others.
La mujer en el espacio público
20 people are interested in this workshopEl taller , La mujer en el espacio público.
Es un compartir de experiencias, desde la perspectiva como mujeres que habitamos el espacio, negado y minimizado históricamente.
En el taller, realizaremos Una cartografía de nuestros territorios, un reconocimiento a las vivencias diarias, luego exploraremos nuestro cuerpo como territorio sagrado.
Liberating Streets: Mobile Workshops and Playgrounds
11 people are interested in this workshopPart One: Mobile Workshops
Built by a Bike Church minister years ago, the Mobile Bike Church is an impressive mobile workshop built on the back of a pedal trike. A presentation on the mobile Bike Church will be given, and it's successes/failures in the town of Davis, CA.
Part Two:
The Party Bike is an Art Bike, Machina de Bici, mobile playground, or all of the above. It's story will be told (with video and pictures). You will be invited to design, dream, and share your own mobile playground ideas. A discussion will take place on the importance of taking back the streets from cars and returning our spaces to a more playful purpose.
make! make!
9 people are interested in this workshopEn esta sesión crearemos juntxs usando objetos encontrados y partes viejas. Exploraremos las cualidades visuales de estos objetos utilizando tinta y papel. Además trabajando juntxs podremos explorar formas de comunicación no verbales. Ven a relajarte y jugar con nosotres. – Comenzaremos la sesión con un viaje corto en bici para buscar objetos descartados. Pero te invitamos a traer objetos, especialmente partes que ya no vayas a usar.
This making session invites everyone to bring old bike parts and found objects to use in creating fun prints together. We'll explore the objects and mechanics that surround by using them in a new and experimental way. Also, by working visually together we'll get to interact in new ways and get to know our community better. So, come relax and have fun and play with us. – We'll begin with a short ride around the area to look for objects on the street. But we also encourage you to bring stuff, especially spare parts.
Mecánica para todas y todos
11 people are interested in this workshopLa bicicleta cómo herramientas de conexión social.
Ayer, hoy y mañana, joven, viejo, hombre, mujer, rico, pobre, usaban y usaron bicicleta y por eso es importante crear espacios comunitarios al rededor de la bici.
Conocernos para vivir juntos, rompemos las diferencias sociales usando y arreglando bicicletas juntos.
Multiple Intelligences in (Bike) Education
23 people are interested in this workshopBike workshops are a microcosm for human interactions and emotions. There's intimidation, frustration and failures, balanced with discovery, collaboration and successes. Let's take this learning environment and use it to transform the way that we engage with learning in the rest of our lives. Become the kind of educator that inspires and empowers all types of students.
- Are you in love with the outdoors?
- Are you extremely empathetic?
- Do you struggle with multiple choice exams?
- Do you have a greater appreciation for music than most?
- Do you think in images rather than words?
Exploring Howard Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences in an interactive way, we'll define how we learn and how we can support others to learn whether it's about bike repair, physics or food sciene...This interactive workshop is all about self-discovery and reflection.
Never Two Tyred: The early days of a dedicated unicycle coop
3 people are interested in this workshopThis presentation describes the joys and pains of starting Never Two Tyred, a dedicated unicycle community shop in Atlanta, GA, US. NTT came about after a generous individual donated a considerable amount of unicycle hardware to a bicycle coop in Atlanta. Rather than dispose of the parts, we have used them in conjuction with support from local unicyclists to provide a space where people can fix and build unicycles. While these one-wheel devices are mechanically simple, they can involve tools that are not commonly found in traditional bike shops. Moreover, despite their reputation of being little more than circus props, unicycles have some distinct advantages over bikes, including low-cost, ease of maintenance, versatility, smaller size, and separate legal status. Thus, beyond being solely a place to keep unicycles rolling, Never Two Tyred has been built around the idea that unicycles, like bikes and trikes, can serve as practical tools in complex, modern urban settings.
New Masculinities and Gender: Re-thinking roles, violences, and personal relations within organizations and activism.
17 people are interested in this workshopWe will talk about the role masculinities have in exercising violences within organizations, places and spaces of social interaction, and personal relations. We will visibilize violences, talk about how they embed themselves in to our micro-practices (or everyday life) and we'll work on proposing new roles that stem out of recognizing the richness of diversity and difference.
Resiste pedal, degentrifies the city, Experiences and hacks riding on the outskirt of the City
17 people are interested in this workshopResiste Pedal, is a women and non-binary people collective, creating a network of mutual support between bicycle travelers. Reclaiming and resisting urban planning which have been designed for the flow and consumption of goods. We reject the heteropatriarchy, the State, the capital and oppression of any kind over our bodies.
Is the bicycle a tool of resistance for those living on the outskirts of the city?
With an open dialogue we aimed to put questions out there that include…
Why are there no cycling trails or route planning which connect outlying areas with downtown area?
We will also ask, why the bike ride organizations, events, meetings and gathering-places for cyclists had been centralized?
Salud física en ciclistas
20 people are interested in this workshopGeneralidades sobre problemas de salud física en ciclistas, recomendaciones de prevención y sesión pequeña de estiramientos musculares.
- Introducción sobre tipos de salud, tipos de enfermedades y lesiones en ciclistas
- Estudios en ciclistas de diferentes tipos: deportivos, recreativos, laborales.
- Cómo podemos prevenir lesiones
- Actividad: estiramientos básicos.
Comentarios y dudas.
Taller móvil comunitario - Creando una economía centrada en la bicicleta
15 people are interested in this workshopEn este taller mostraremos el trabajo que hemos hecho con el taller comunitario Down with Bikes y la coalición JUST BIkes en Madison, Wisconsin, USA y el impacto que ha tenido a nivel del mercado formal de repación de bicis y también a nivel de organización comunitaria.
Se mostrará a les participantes el sueño en grande de una economía centrada en la bici, a partir de programas como éste, y todes en conjunto crearemos el futuro de esta economía y su sustentabilidad, y como aplicarla en su propia localidad mientras nos conectamos a nivel global para apoyarnos unes a otres.
During this workshop we will show the work done by Down with Bikes and the JUST BIKES Coalition in Madison, Wisconsin, USA and the impact that the work has had at different levels, including the formal bike repair scene, as well as the local community efforts.
A long term vision for a Bike Economy will be shared with participants and they will be invited to co-create the path to this economy and its sustainability. Also, how can everyone bring this back to their communities while staying connected and supported globally.
The road towards a feminist public space
6 people are interested in this workshopAn analysis of the media's treatment of situations of sexual abuse, assaults and aggression against women and girls of Argentina and Latin America. Those who chose the bicycle as a means of transportation could end up seeing a triple the violence against those who dared to go beyond the “Restricted Entry Zones”: physical violence, media violence and state violence, the latter, for avoiding an auto and androcentric urban construction planning; from the mass media, for blaming directly and indirectly the victims for leaving home, as well as, trying to indoctrinate the people by telling them where they are allowed to ride, what time, which mode of transportation to take, in other words, how to inhabit the city.
We invite you to problematize toxic hetero cis male behavior, considering that getting out of the “private space” causes a negative effect on male subjects.
We will share the Las Bicibles`s strategies, a Feminist cycling and urban punk organization, from the north of Argentina and we hope to learn about your own strategies.
Toronto Bike Rave: The Story of a Large Group Ride
10 people are interested in this workshopLarge group rides can be fun, but difficult to organize and execute safely. This presentation will cover our 6 years organizing Toronto Bike Rave, which saw 200-700 riders coming together for a night bike party once a year. We'll talk about the importance of planning, having a strong team of volunteers, how to do it DIY and inexpensively, and also how important it is to have fun, celebratory moments as a bike community. We'll outline our many mistakes and what we learned along the way so you don't have to make them too.
At the end of the workshop we would love to open the floor to hear about others' successful group rides, and what has worked and what hasn't. We'd also like to discuss the challenges that different cities' infrastructure, bylaws, and geography may pose.
Twinning: Sister Bike Collectives and Breaking Borders
8 people are interested in this workshopThe concept of Twin, or Sister cities has been around for almost 12,000 years (wiki). As a way to promote cross-border collaboration and understanding, this concept could be applied to DIY Bike Collective Projects. The global DIY network is becoming larger and more spread out everyday, and Bike!Bike! is the perfect confluence for the beginning of a Sister Bike Project initiative.
This workshop will begin with a brainstorming session to develop and refine this concept. Some questions you may want to ask yourself:
- How to match up Bike Projects to maximize collaboration and mutual benefit
- What kind of exchanges would be beneficial/feasible?
- What forms communication are most effective? (i.e physical/virtual)
- Different ways to show Sister Project status (i.e art, plaques, photo boards, signs, emblems)
Once we begin to define these cross-border relationships a bit more, we will kick-off the first Sister Bike Project initiatives between Bike!Bike! participants. An agreement will be written in grease and grime and we will take our first steps towards documenting the collaborations so their successes/failures can be tracked and shared at a future Bike!Bike! workshop.
Using open-source hardware and software with bikes to advocate for safer streets
5 people are interested in this workshopWe describe a bike outfitted with two ultrasonic ranging sensors, two cameras, a GPS, a real-time clock, and an inertial measurement unit containing an accelerometer and gyro. Together, this array of open-source sensors has allowed us to determine when and where motorists adhere to the “3 foot law” in several key roadways the US city of Atlanta, GA. In addition to overtake distance, the system permits the cyclist to determine their absolute speed, their absolute position and time, the relative speed of overtaking cars, road surface roughness, and incline. We propose dimensionless number that serves to rank the safety of bike lanes (and other infrastructure) across the region of study relative to an abstract “perfect” reference bike lane. Both the bike and instrumentation were developed at open-access and DIY organizations in Atlanta such as the Sopo Bicycle Cooperative and TechLab at Emory University. We hope this presentation will provide insight to others wishing to integrate open-source electronics with bicycles.
¿Como administramos “l’Heureux Cylage” la red de talleres de autoreparación de bicis en Francia? / How do we manage “l’Heureux Cyclage”, the network of DIY Bike coops in France?
4 people are interested in this workshopEnglish version follows.
Este taller presentara la manera en que administramos la red de “L’Heureux Cyclage”. Somos una asociación sin ánimo de lucro que federa más de 100 talleres de autoreparación de bicis en Francia:
1. Tenemos una carta de valores muy similar a la de Bike! Bike!.
2. Organizamos el encuentro nacional de talleres de autoreparación anualmente en Francia.
3. Damos formaciones de educación popular ligada a temas de la bicicleta.
4. Creamos y administramos herramientas informáticas libre servicio para la gestión de los talleres, incluyendo el wiklou, una Wikipedia de la bici ( en francés).
5. Hacemos un estudio financiado por el gobierno central, el panorama de los talleres de autoreparación y de las filiales de reempleo de bicicleta.
6. Hacemos cabildeo ante el gobierno nacional, y las administraciones locales, particularmente en temas ligados a la reutilización de desechos (reciclaje de bicis) y a las formaciones necesarias para potenciar el “sistema bici” y la “velonomía” (poder ser autónomo en bicicleta).
El objetivo del taller es compartir nuestra experiencia en la red, así como compartir con ustedes los límites que encontramos en nuestra actividad para seguir adelante con más fuerzas.
Este taller se puede dar en español o ingles de acuerdo con las preferencias del público.
Acerca de mí: Soy activista-investigador, miembro del consejo de administración de l’Heureux Cyclage. Acabo de empezar un doctorado en Estados Unidos centrado en la justicia de las movilidades y en el uso de la cultura, comunicación y medios para promover movilidades alternativas.
English version
This workshop Will present how we manage “L’Heureux Cyclage” network. We are a non-profit association that gathers more than 100 DIY bike coops in France.
1. Our chart of values is very similar to that of Bike! Bike!.
2. We organize the national gathering of BIY bike coops in France yearly.
3. We organize popular education workshops.
4. We create and manage freeware to manage the DIY bike coops, and we run the “Wiklou” a Wikipedia for bike repairs.
5. We produce a study, a “Panorama” of DIY bike coops paid by the government.
6. We do lobby at all levels of government, specially in areas related to bike recycling and popular educations programs necessary to strengthen the “bike system” and “vélonomie” (being able to be autonomous on a bike).
This workshop aims to share our experience in handling our network, and to discuss the limits we encounter while doing our activism in order to move forward the conversation.
This workshop can be given in English or Spanish according to the preferences of the public.
About myself: I am an activist scholar, member of the board of l’Heureux Cyclage. I just moved to Philly to start a Ph.D. on how to use culture communication and media to promote alternative mobilities.
“Crash not accident”! Why language matters when we talk about safety
8 people are interested in this workshopThe word "accident" is often used to describe crashes that kill or injure cyclists. However, the word "accident" erases the many political and social choices which caused the crash. This workshop will discuss some of the strategies that Ghost Bikes Montreal has used to challenge the problematic discourse about road safety in Montreal. Participants will be encouraged to share their strategies about how to use language to create change!
La palabra "accidente" se usa a menudo para describir choques que matan o hieren a los ciclistas. Sin embargo, la palabra "accidente" borra las muchas decisiones políticas y sociales que causaron el choque. Este taller discutirá algunas de las estrategias que Ghost Bikes Montreal ha utilizado para desafiar el problemático discurso sobre la seguridad vial en Montreal. ¡Se animará a los participantes a compartir sus estrategias sobre cómo usar el lenguaje para crear cambios!