make! make!

9 people are interested in this workshop

En esta sesión crearemos juntxs usando objetos encontrados y partes viejas. Exploraremos las cualidades visuales de estos objetos utilizando tinta y papel. Además trabajando juntxs podremos explorar formas de comunicación no verbales. Ven a relajarte y jugar con nosotres. – Comenzaremos la sesión con un viaje corto en bici para buscar objetos descartados. Pero te invitamos a traer objetos, especialmente partes que ya no vayas a usar.

This making session invites everyone to bring old bike parts and found objects to use in creating fun prints together. We'll explore the objects and mechanics that surround by using them in a new and experimental way. Also, by working visually together we'll get to interact in new ways and get to know our community better. So, come relax and have fun and play with us. – We'll begin with a short ride around the area to look for objects on the street. But we also encourage you to bring stuff, especially spare parts.


English, Spanish


art + getting to know each other

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