18 years + counting: 2 queers reflect on lives & lessons in bike co-ops
Friends-for-life Mac Liman (she/her) and Morgan Matter (they/them) have been running bike co-ops, teaching bicycle mechanics, and recycling bikes in Denver, Colorado, USA since 2002, including operating the volunteer-run Derailer Bicycle Collective 2002-2013, volunteering and working as paid staff at Bikes Together (formerly The Bike Depot) 2008-present, working at Denver Bike Sharing B-Cycle program, and wrenching for half a dozen "traditional" retail, neighborhood, and social enterprise bicycle shops. We've visited and collaborated with dozens of bike co-ops around the US (including attending & presenting at Bike!Bike! Conferences from 2004-2009) and have sat on formal and informal boards and committees related to bicycle education, use, access, and advocacy. Our activism outside of bike shops focuses on ending white supremacy and moving towards the equitable distribution of land, wealth & power in the US. We've seen a lot of shit and learned a lot of lessons! The stories we plan to share will primarily focus on:
- Lessons in navigating misogyny & patriarchy in bike culture (how to survive it, how to disrupt & how to destroy it) as two people targeted by sexism.
- Lessons in dismantling white supremacy in bike culture as two people with race & class privilege
- Our biggest impacts, regrets, and where we put our energy now
This will be a panel-style talk followed by a Q&A. Please bring your questions!
English, Spanish
Race, Gender, or Class Politics